Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Children's Day Poem

Crazy, arrogant and silly are the children of today;
I am sure to have misjudged you, because I am a man from yesterday;

Your music is loud, clothes funny,
And hairstyles are hilarious,
But those are the things, that make this world,
A little less serious;

As you grow old, you might start using a comb,
And responsibility is the step you may take,
So for now my friends, the world is yours,
And everyday calls for a new mistake.

{We had to write a poem about children for the children's day event on Nov 14, 2011 and this is what I could write}

Friday, October 21, 2011


Was I a right man in a wrong world? Or a wrong man in the right world?
It doesn’t matter, everyone has to die.
I did the right things at a wrong time, or the wrong things at the right time,
It doesn’t matter, everything comes to an end.

Did I fail to understand the world, or the world misunderstood me?
In the bigger scheme of things, our understandings won’t matter.
I just had to take it as I had no choice,
The very world that made me did forever, silence my voice.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Oh my god it's so much fun,
when I shoot you with my neutron gun,
If you are an atom of uranium,
I will split you into Krypton and Barium,
Do not feel safe in your bullet proof pajama,
As I can melt it with some heat and Gamma,
Oh my god it's too much fun,
when I shoot you with my neutron gun...

I wrote this poem to entertain my students of class 8 while teaching them Nuclear Fission in Chemistry. I recited it with a lot of drama and they enjoyed it. But at the end everyone said "It is so lame!"

nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts (lighter nuclei), often producing free neutrons and photons (in the form of gamma rays), and releasing a tremendous amount of heat energy.