Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Old Monk

This is the photograph of a moth's cocoon I took sometime back . The image is of the anterior head portion of the cocoon. I somehow find this very interesting because it resembles the face of a monk wearing his overcoat. The expression on his face is an expression of content. It looks as if he has had a fulfilling life and is ready for the transition from one state of life to another. Just like what happened in reality as this cocoon was shed and a moth emerged out of it. Its very intriguing to see an expression of fulfillment on the nature's creation at a stage where it has almost reached the end of its existence and at the same time is at the beginning of an other form of itself.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Forced Tolerance

Tolerance is a very necessary virtue for all human beings. The feeling of love and friendship cannot exist between every individual. Non existence of love doesn't mean that there should be a sense of hatred. If you do not like somebody, it is better to tolerate them rather than hating them. hate burns away a lot of positive energy from a person.

Sometimes we are forced to tolerate people. Just like what I was doing while I was writing this nonsense. I was sitting in a class of a Masters course. The class was being taken by a so called
'Professor of science'. The person who is regarded as a doctorate of a discipline, doesn't even have basic human values. To top that , his teaching is miles away from being understandable. I am sitting and wondering as to how a loop hole in the system can place a monkey on the kings throne. We are forced to tolerate such individuals because of the fear of being thrown out of the system or becoming a social outcast. People like me are always have the fear of becoming an opposition against something which is genuinely unfair. The fear is due to the possibility of loss of material comforts and loss of recognition amongst fools similar to us.
We are being forced to become fools and so are hundreds of others who are dictated by monkeys sitting in the chair of authority.

Written on 24/4/2009 (during an other excruciatingly boring lecture)